What an adorable place. You should be proud.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
this is my living room at x-mas.
i bought this house and the one next door in 1975 for $12,000 for both.
i was working second shift and spent several weeks during the day making improvements.
What an adorable place. You should be proud.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
q 1: where does the bible say god's name is jehovah?
in all probability, the bible that you have does not have the name jehovah in it, anywhere.
we too have a fraternity, a brotherhood, gods family is what we are, and if anyone dishonors the congregation by conduct unbecoming a minister of god, shunning, or disfellowshipping as we call it, is gods means to deal with such ones.. q 7: how can a person isolate themselves if you chose to knock on peoples doors outside your religion?
You got me to thinking...
Am I damaged goods?
I have my health (not damaged there)
I have a decent job (not damaged there)
A happy marriage to someone who has never been a dub (not damaged there)
So on and so forth.........
there's only one area where damaged goods can be applied. Can you guess where?
Bingo, you guessed it!
I except that I am damaged there. Even after being out of the borg for more than 20 years. I used to think the scars would eventually fade and I guess they have some. I continue to work through the stuff in my own personal JW file (my mind and heart) and guess I always will.
My advise to Danni is to run as fast as her feet can carry her from anyone or anything to do with the WTS.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
after reading the post about new light of the 1000s that will fall by your side, makes the times i would go to the doors and the people would say, "every religion deciphers, and translate the bible the way they want it.
" i would argue about jws would never do that we used god's holy spirit to translate .".
but you know the longer one stays out the more one realizes that the people were right and we did preach a bunch of crap.. this new light about falling away deals with apostacy is just another change to say look how god's channel has improved on the understaning of the scriptures.. all religions translate the bible to slant it to their way of thinking, but only jehovah witnesses keep changing and flip flopping to a point that those who have a brain and eyes and honest hearted see the way the manipulation is taking place.
***********************I am embrassed to say I was ever a JW and raised my family as a brain washed moronic out of the loop, zombized, preacher of the bad news.*********************************
So, welcome to the club!
At least we wised up.
Keep spouting Rek. It's good for ya,
you know is trying to defend the wts against the charge of being false prophets.
he is relying on something of a technicality.
let's look at the facts:.
Dear Lionel,
I'm filing this for future use....don't worry, I'll give you the credit.
sniff sniff donations people we have no money to hold together this site of foolishness all these socalled educated people could u please give money!sniff i though the org was broke but jehovah protects them .
we also need meteor insurance send me some companies thanks free the lose minds.........
malcom Dear,
(In a soft voice) You can't scare me. I've been a JW remember? I only get scared as h** when I think that I could still be part of that unloving, evil org.
I think of myself as an escapee from the so called "troof"
Good luck in your search for suckers
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
yada yada yada the truth answered the questions with sense but u still are bitter demonic humans its sad that u hate the truth but soon jehovah will send a fire ball with your name on it cheers.
i had to show this to some nonjw today is friday and here in dc most gov workers are off till the 7th.
we have over 450 folks in this office and only 21 folks are logged in and 7 which are the folks here in the it dept so it is slow- we got folks cleaning all the "space bars" on the pcs on the floor smile.
You are great intertainment.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
i have had several here tell me that if try to disassociate yourself from the org that you will be subject to shunning.
is this true?.
i discussed this issue with the witnesses with whom i study.
In 1981 my dub side of the family told the non dubs that they could no longer associate with them because of the article in the 9-15 WT. We have not seen them since then. There was some emailing about a year ago but nothing was accomplished by that.
Tread lightly my dear.
Read that article ThiChi is talking about before you make any decisions.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
i posted a while back with a copy of the letter that i sent to the society.
its at : http://www.geocities.com/lovelight75/socletter.htm.
here is the response.
Sirona, you are my hero, for having the nerve to ask questions of the GB.
HS, You are a wealth of info and I appreciate your posts.
malcom, You are a great reminder of why I am no longer a witness and why I'm glad I wised up so long ago. Didn't Jesus say you would know his deciples by their "love"? I thank you for your fine example of that. PS Maybe a night class on spelling and grammer might help you too (only a suggestion).
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
is the wts view on women praying publically still the same as it was in the 70s?
the article "should you cover your head during prayer" watchtower 2/15/77 page 46 and a "question from readers" 6/15/77 are the last references i have to this particular jw custom.. has anything more recent been published?.
Just "ONE" of the many reasons why I am not a Jdud anymore!!
I wonder why a woman in her right mind would want to be a dub?
OOPS, I answered my own question (right mind).
"Sing a song about being inferior"...Indeed
Who the hell would want to live forever with those idiots making the rules?
Next thing ya know the women in the WTS will be wearing burkas.
some jw's are preaching in my apartment complex right now...and it's so peaceful, quiet.......what i wouldn't give for an air horn right now.....{heh, heh}.
Hi Ashi,
Try telling them you and your family are Devil worshipers.
Wow, ya never saw anyone run so fast the other way!!!
Then you holler after them.."Gee, did I scare ya? I was going to invite you in for a cup of coffee, Oh well, maybe another time"
It works! They avoid your house like the plague from then on.
Have a nice day!
Sunny (laughing her ass off)